Friday 11 May 2012

A little of me

Today, I woke up and I thought I need to do something with my page. So, I decided to put together a few things. I hope you enjoy them and please leave a comment. I will be happy. But please do not share it on any other social communication network. Thanks.

Smiling makes one look smiling. Lets continue to give the genuine smiles to those we meet. The really work miracles.

On 31st March, I was in a company with some four persons; the person who was driving us was a very humble, gentle driver. He did it very well and I can say, I had never sat a a vehicle in Uganda on a poor road and felt the comfort that I felt with this person. I was happy with his driving. One thing that struck me was that on our way back, he stooped the car, got the spanners and tightened the bolts on the wheels of the car.
I had never experienced this. It reminded me of an incident where I drove a car on three wheels for a distance of about ten meters or slightly more just because on wheel got off and took to a different direction!! I was lucky that I was on a slow speed and it was a hind wheel.
The other three persons are related to each other; one being the mother of the other, and another being the sister to the mother of the other. 
The journey was to Kabaale. on our way, we saw different competitions; most of them were the Cocacola post primary football competitions which were finally won by Kitende, but the most interesting was the competition between an trailer and two animals!! Different from what you could expect, the animals won the competition. It was nice, made all of us laugh and I thought I could share with you.

I pray that the people of Unilever, find this person called salary, give him some blue band for him to grow faster. Because it seems, salary can't find them, and yet the other consumers(Fuel, Bread, Meat,...) are too selfish to share with salary. Mean while, lets try to be content with what we receive, and find avenues of investing in order to increase on our income. But not get money in ways that are unacceptable.

Once in a while, its nice to sit and think about whats going on especially before the house of God the Church. This was one of those days. Find some time too and listen to your self. Its nice.
Nature is beauty, and take some time too, and enjoy it but most importantly, maintain and protect nature. whether flora or fauna.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Joseph, I am happy to see you in pictures after along time. This is a nice idea. I love it.
    keep it on. I will continue visiting to see what is happening.
